I read somewhere recently that "valleys are the most fertile places on earth" and I believe this may be true in our lives also.
Sometimes, God leads us along mountain tops where life is 'rosy and bright'. Other times, He leads us down into the valley; and it's in this fertile place that God speaks tenderly to us through the Holy Spirit who gently cultivates our hearts creating something beautiful for His glory.
I've found time and again that it's in the valleys of life that that God grows my patience and trust in Him. Although painful times, they have become beautiful too.
I've found time and again that it's in the valleys of life that that God grows my patience and trust in Him. Although painful times, they have become beautiful too.
When life is all rosy
and seems at it's best
Lord may I be mindful
That in You I'm blessed.
But if things don't turn out
as I'd like them to be -
Please help me remember
my life's hid in Thee.
And just as there's sunshine
There's often-times rain,
Yet God works
through all things
through all things
birthing beauty from pain;
So may nothing be wasted
In my walk with Thee;
May others be blessed Lord
and see Jesus in me.
© Wendy McCallum
Wendy is originally from the North West coast of Scotland, near Glencoe. She trusted the Lord Jesus as Saviour in November 1986 during a Faith Mission Campaign.
HeARTworks and
Thank you for linking up with WIP Wednesday!
Mary Beth
Thanks Wendy :-)
And thanks for linking up at WholeHearted Home Wednesdays