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Why I blog

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,
and by the word of their testimony ~ Rev 12:11
F B Myers tells the story of a kind-hearted man who found a schoolboy crying because he did not have his bus fare home. Suddenly the man remembered that years before he had been in the same plight, but had been helped by an unknown friend who urged him to pass the kindness on some day.  Now the moment had come.  So he approached the weeping boy, told him the story, paid his fare, and asked that he in turn would pass on kindness to another some day when the time was right.  "I will pass it on, Sir!" was the child's grateful response.

The moral of this story is also relevant to God's children when facing trials and sorrows.  You will be comforted by God, so that you may be able to "comfort those who are in trouble with the same comfort with which you yourself have been comforted." (2 Corinthians 1:4).  So, make a mental note of how God comforts you in your sorrows, and then, when the opportunity arises, pass it on.  This will be your ministry, which the world can never match." ~ Derek Bingham

"... and when the opportunity arises, pass it on"

I remember hearing a man of God preaching a similar message 20+ years ago and that same message still challenges me today!  So to answer the question:  "Why do I blog?"  "I blog in response to the call of God to comfort my brethren with the same comfort wherewith I myself have been comforted by God"  and whenever an opportunity arises, I seek to pass His comfort on...

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